Lindi Women Paralegal Aid Centre, Acronyms (LIWOPAC) whose vision is to strive for realizing a concretive reputable society that observes and respect women and children’s human rights. It’s a non-governmental organization founded in August 2001, with the aim of defending the rights and position of women and children as a vulnerable and marginalized group in Tanzania societies particularly Lindi region.
In addition, LIWOPAC works with communities on livelihood activities as a way to achieve economic rights for everyone. LIWOPAC was registered on June 2003 under the Tanzania Societies Ordinance Cap 337 of 1954. It is non-profit making; non-partisan development organization which was awarded a certificate of Compliance No. 0760 in 2008.
LIWOPAC is human rights organization advocating and striving to promote, advocacy through plenary dialogues between private and public sectors and protect women and children human rights by helping them to bring gender equality in Tanzania by doing legal community research, networking, outreach and publications. LIWOPAC works across all the six districts in Lindi region: Nachingwea, Ruangwa, Lindi Municipal, Lindi Rural, Kilwa and Liwale District
LIWOPAC will always strive for realizing a concretive reputable society that observes and respect women and children’s human rights by end of the year 2025.
LIWOPAC is human rights organization advocating and striving to promote, advocacy through plenary dialogues between private and public sectors and protect women and children human rights by helping them to bring gender equality in Tanzania by doing legal community research, networking, outreach and publications.
No poverty
Best education
Clean water
Good health